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Entries in Non-Custodial Fathers (64)


Father’s Day: Sad for some Dads

With special guest:

  • Karen Hodgkins

‘Dad’ is a documentary that Karen Hodgkins has made for a higher purpose than looking for film industry awards. This new film is a powerful and emotional appeal to the law makers and the law enforcers to do something for the Dads who are not travelling as well as frequently portrayed in our society.

In our interview today Karen tells us that she was asked by a Dad in May 2013 to do some research on the injustices in the Family Court and Child Support systems. This Dad was desperate to spend more time with his own children and suspected there was more going on than the general population is aware of.

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Daddy’s OK

With special guest:

  • Dean Mason

In his book Daddy’s OK: Fathers’ stories of separation, divorce and rebuilding author Dean Mason takes us into the world of 14 families that have been through the trauma of separation and divorce. The 2006 Census showed that 50% of children in single parent families never have an overnight stay with the other parent, normally the Dad. But if our eyes glass over when contemplating the tens of thousands of Dads in this situation Dean brings it back to the individual personal level with these real life stories from his days as National Chairman of Dads in Distress Support Services.

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The other glass ceiling: fathers stepping up, mothers letting go

With special guest:

  • Charles Areni

In the news lately there have been frequent references to pay differentials between males and females. This is often put down to the different opportunities available in the workplace because of gender roles that are a hangover from a less-enlightened past. But what about the denial of opportunities to look after the children and get involved in other areas around the home? In brief, Mums have too many roles, Dads have too few.


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Schools of Fish

With special guest:

  • Alan Sampson

Schools of Fish won the 2015 Finch Memoir Prize for author Alan Sampson, a Queenslander, who by telling us about his own experiences lets us find out much about the importance of a father’s relationship with his children. A big part of the story relates to Alan’s role as Principal at the well-known Cavendish Road State High School in Brisbane. There are times at school when personal courage is required as well as unshakable integrity if favourable results are to be achieved.

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With special guest:

  • Mick Both

When you listen to Mick’s interview, just like when you see his face looking straight at you on the cover of his new book you know the sort of bloke he is. Mick is a straight shooter with a background in the military who takes us into the kitchen on a practical mission. COOKING for Kids BY DADS does not assume any prior knowledge of the essential art of cooking. In language we can all understand and with gorgeous photos we get the picture on how Dad can go from zero to hero with his kids and his family generally.

This book is most needed when Dad suddenly realises that for whatever reason he should be the one doing the cooking. This could be due to one-off events or when a more permanent arrangement is required and Dad cannot rely on a significant other to feed the hungry. Not that some Mums haven’t caught up with the benefits of being able to leave Dad in the kitchen or to brush up themselves on a few basics.

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Fathers and Daughters – What are the issues?

With special guest:

  • Professor Linda Nielsen

Our guest, Professor Linda Nielsen speaks to us today from North Carolina in the United States about a topic that nearly everyone has a stake in but on which there is very little guidance. How important is the relationship between a daughter and her father? This topic has been explored by Dr Nielsen in her latest book Father-Daughter Relationships: Contemporary Research & Issues.

Many studies have been directed at the importance of a mother’s relationships with her children. But a father may need some reassurance about the value of his relationship with his daughter particularly if he feels more comfortable with his son. The first thing we get to check with Dr Nielsen is what is it that fathers do for their daughters? Are they really needed?

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Parenting today in Amsterdam

With special guest:

  • Benjamin Wondergem

Our guest today brings a European flavour to the program. Benjamin has confronted both personally and professionally many of the problems we see in Australia relating to shared parenting and fathers gaining access to their own children if the other parent is unwilling.

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'Dad' the Documentary

With special guest:

  • Karen Hodgkins

‘Dad’ is a documentary that Karen Hodgkins has made for a higher purpose than looking for film industry awards. This new film is a powerful and emotional appeal to the law makers and the law enforcers to do something for the Dads who are not travelling as well as frequently portrayed in our society.

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Continued Parenting

With special guest:

  • Prof Robert Kenedy

Robert Kennedy was a famous American political leader but our guest today with a similar name is recognised around the world for other reasons. We speak in this program to Professor Kenedy in Toronto Canada to find out what he has discovered after conducting research in the areas of fathers, shared parenting and related issues for the last 15 years. This research has taken Robert to the UK, the US, Europe and most recently Australia and New Zealand where he has conducted thousands of interviews.

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Out on a Limb

With special guest: 

  •  Simon Turner

 Simon Turner’s book Out on a Limb is refreshingly plain speaking. To read the book is like sitting down with a mate who has some important, perhaps life-changing, information to share. Using language we can all relate to, Simon takes us through the jungle that confronts a father at the gates of a Family Law dispute with the mother of their children.

Simon discusses what he describes as the three golden rules that were passed on to him informally by a Family Court Judge in an Art Gallery rather than a court room. Based on these golden rules Simon gives some invaluable ideas about how a dad can give himself the best chance of continuing to parent his child after a separation or divorce.

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Daddy's OK

With special guest:

  • Dean Mason

In his book Daddy’s OK: Fathers’ stories of separation, divorce and rebuilding author Dean Mason takes us into the world of 14 families that have been through the trauma of separation and divorce. The 2006 Census showed that 50% of children in single parent families never have an overnight stay with the other parent, normally the Dad. But if our eyes glass over when contemplating the tens of thousands of Dads in this situation Dean brings it back to the individual personal level with these real life stories from his days as National Chairman of Dads in Distress Support Services.

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The other glass ceiling: fathers stepping up, mothers letting go

With special guest

  • Charles Areni

In the news lately there have been frequent references to pay differentials between males and females. This is often put down to the different opportunities available in the workplace because of gender roles that are a hangover from a less-enlightened past. But what about the denial of opportunities to look after the children and get involved in other areas around the home? In brief, Mums have too many roles, Dads have too few.

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Familists V Feminists


 With special guests:

  • Kingsley (Kip) Miller
  • Gil Ronen

Kingsley (Kip) Miller

Kip Miller is a fathers’ rights activist who is described by Lord Justice Thorpe of the UK Family Division as having a history of responsible campaigning and writing on issues relating to family relationships. He holds qualifications in Research Methods and is trained in Child Psychology and Child Sociology with a Teachers’ Certificate and a Masters Degree.

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What Makes Us Tick?

With special guests:

  • John Flanagan and
  • Hugh Mackay.

The author of an interesting new book, ‘What Makes Us Tick?’ is Hugh Mackay, who is widely regarded as Australia’s preeminent social researcher and he joins us today to discuss his latest book. Hugh Mackay has spent most of his working life exploring why we do the things we do, ranging from the television programs we watch or the politicians we vote for, to the decisions that shape our lives - who (or whether) to marry, where to live, whether to have children, what job to do.

Written as part reflection, part psychological analysis, ‘What Makes Us Tick?’ is a highly personal account of the things Mackay has learned from the experience of listening to people talk about their dreams, their fears, their faith, their hopes, their disappointments, their frustrations and their fantasies. It makes for a most interesting interview and is definitely a must listen.  

We open the show with a long overdue interview with well informed John Flanagan, who is the Deputy Registered Officer of the Non-Custodial Parents Party (Equal Parenting). John speaks with passion about the proposed new Family Law amendments and claims that if passed by Parliament in its present form, the Family Law Legislation Amendment (Family Violence and Other Measures) Bill 2011 will significantly reduce contact by children with both parents after divorce/separation.  

John makes the point that at first glance, there appear to be many more submissions supporting the Bill (in a ratio of approximately 2:1), but has observed that when studied more closely, many of the submissions supporting the Bill would appear to have been actually written by the same author.

He suggests this is particularly the case with regard to the many submissions commencing with the words “I am writing to express my support”. If this should be correct, surely some questions need to be asked such as, 1. is there a process of verifying the authenticity of submissions?,  2. what that proccess might be?, and 3. how does the  AG propose to answer these claims of subversion of the political process?.


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The State - The Public - The Media

With special guest:

  • “Rick”

While we silently agree to live in an ignorant, apathetic, environment, passively accepting the constant  flow of mis-information dished out by an army of spin doctors, we are not unlike the 3 monkeys. As we refuse to speak out, fail to question, and continue to ignore the facts, we allow ourselves to be used and dictated to, by an establishment which is slowly strangling our Family relationships, our personal independence, and our individual creativity. Many of our human rights have been devalued or taken away, in order for the State to maintain control over our human instincts to love and protect those dear to us.  

Democracy and independence is what our fathers fought for, with many paying the ultimate sacrifice. To see our nation slowly slipping into a ruthless form of dictatorship, is against everything our ancestors stood and died for. Today a parent can be jailed for sending a birthday card to his stolen child, while another desperate parent is forced to climb the Sydney Harbour bridge, in order to draw attention to the fact he hasn’t been allowed to see his stolen children for 70 days.

This is all made possible by the lack of effective Family Law legislation, which would and should, give better protection to separating parents and their children. Instead, an apathetic community silently accepts the false notion, that in our Family Courts, the nation’s children are protected from harm by a just and fair system that prides itself on a foundation of truth, equality and fairness.

The reality however, sees a dogs breakfast of legal mumbo jumbo, created by a hodgepodge of vested interests. The original legislators who drafted such draconian legislation, came from a very different era in time than we live in today, a time when human values were somewhat different.   

It was also a time when little was known about brainwashing techniques and how the human mind reacts when another person or group has taken /or been given, total control over every aspect of a persons being. The Stockholm Syndrome, Parental Alienation, Dr. Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison Experiment and the Milgram Obedience Experiment were all still in the learning and discovery stages.   

Yet here we are, just like the three blind, deaf and dumb monkeys, living in a society that prides itself on being better informed, but accepting at face value everything the media and politicians throw at us. No questions asked, no challenges as to the accuracy of the information, and many obstacles put in our way to prevent us from discovering the truth and accuracy of any such information.  

This is the environment in which today’s parents are desperately trying to maintain some level of meaningful contact with their children, often at great personal cost and enormous level of stress. Unfortunately, since legal parenting rights have long ago been taken away by the State, engaging in the Family Court system on the premise of some sort of perceived parenting rights, is an exercise in futility. Of particular importance therefore, is to remember the fact that No rights in effect means No justice!  

Our guest today is one such parent, who has tried everything to remain in contact with his children, but all to no avail. We call him  “Rick”, not his real name for legal reasons, and he joins us to speak about his recent six month in jail for trying to communicate with his estranged daughter. We are not to reveal the identity of this father, supposedly in order to protect the identity of his children, but as everyone knows, in reality it conveniently protects the identities of all those involved with the forcible stealing of his children from his love, care and protection. Welcome to the Monkey Cage! 


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But No Tears For Decimated Families

With special guests:

  • John Flanagan and
  • Dr. Demosthenes Lorandos.

Tears flowed freely in our National Parliament for the victims of powerful unstoppable forces of nature, as the nation publicly mourned those who lost their lives in the recent string of natural disasters. The tears were accompanied by emotional words about those left behind to pick up the pieces. It reminded us of previous Prime Minister’s Bob Hawke’s tearful performance and the quivering bottom lips of Malcolm Fraser and Kevin Rudd. But the public is no longer fooled by such highly suspect displays of empathy by our elected decision makers, and with good reason.

These same hard-nosed Politicians, see nothing wrong with the man-made human disaster they themselves created in 1975, which has caused an estimated 35,000 parents to take their own lives since then, as a result. We see no tears shed by our elected representatives for the dispossessed children of these sad parents, who have been denied the checks and balances their parents’ love, care and protection could have provided.

No Parliamentary quivering bottom lips either, for the 5.2 million Australian men, women and children, who have been forcibly denied contact with their families since 1975, as a result of the Archaic Family Law legislation they created and continue to administer, via a number of Government agencies and bureaucracies.

Instead we find the Gillard Labour Government, using advocacy research provided by government funded self-interest focus groups, is proposing further amendments to the current Family Justice legislation, which will take it even further back into the horse and buggy days, ensuring the continued decimation of many more fragile family relationships.

Conveniently ignored are the rights of every child to a meaningful relationship with both of its parents, which is enshrined in the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child, and to which the Australian Government is a signatory. Various wide ranging State Domestic Violence Legislation is being used to nullify and sabotage our National responsibility to uphold our UN duty of care obligations to the Nations’ children.

Great leaders are those who recognize the abuse of their constituents’ human rights as it occurs, and sets about correcting the wrong, not those that wake up 200 years after the event and grandstand with an apology.

Our first guest this week is John Flanagan who is Deputy Registered Officer, of the Non-Custodial Parents Party (Equal Parenting), and will discuss in detail the proposed Family Law Amendments [Family Violence] Bill, 2010. John will also discuss the Party’s Family Law Amendment submission and the Family Law Reform submission.

The Non-Custodial Parents Party (Equal Parenting) was formed in Australia in 1998. It is registered with the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) as a political party. It has a large membership base consisting of divorced fathers, divorced mothers, second wives, grand parents  and other relatives who believe that all children have a right to be cared for by both their parents, in the event of separation or divorce.

The Non-Custodial Parents Party (Equal Parenting) has participated in all federal election campaigns since registration. We have fielded candidates for both the Lower House (House of Representatives) and the Upper House (the Senate) in four (4) States. We have achieved a consistent increase in the number of votes it has secured since its first campaign.

The core policies centre on the issue of family law reform, emphasising legislative changes in order to enshrine  a child’s natural rights to a meaningful relationship with both parents, and legal and procedural changes to ensure that the Child Support system is fair, equitable and aimed at fulfilling its primarily goal, that being to support the child/ren.

Our second guest is American Lawyer, Dr. Demosthenes Lorandos, who is a trial lawyer and a clinical/forensic psychologist who protects the rights of clients involved in complex, high-stakes legal battles. From home offices in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and Washington, D.C., his work takes him across the nation, serving as criminal defence lawyer, custody lawyer, expert witness, of counsel lawyer, case strategy consultant, lecturer and author.

His legal and scholarly work on the psychology behind cross examination of experts, parental alienation and false allegations has earned him national recognition. This credibility allows him access to resources that another lawyer might not have — all in the name of protecting our clients.

His team handles litigation matters where others may fear to tread, across virtually every legal discipline, including criminal law and white collar fraud, civil litigation, matrimonial litigation and commercial litigation and appeals.

For instance, Dr. Lorandos has:

Elicited the truth behind false allegations of sexual assault when the prosecutors thought they had a lock, and revealed issues of how adults and counsellors “tainted” memories of small children to make it look like a parent or day care teacher had harmed them. He has also turned the tables on bad custody decisions and parental alienation through painstaking investigations and knowledgeable behavioural science

Dr. Lorandos has co-authored such works as Cross Examining Experts in the Behavioural Sciences, The International Handbook of Parental Alienation Syndrome, and Benchbook in the Behavioural Sciences.


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Family Law or Legislative Terrorism?

With special guests:

  • Greg Andresen
  • Dr. Colin Jory and
  • Sue Price.

Once again Dads on the Air is well ahead of the media pack, by investigating and separating the facts from the spin. Further to our own submission, today’s show will focus on the way our Government is about to use unsubstantiated claims and mis-information, in order to hoodwink the public into believing some sort of Domestic Violence pandemic is forcing it to ‘reform’ Australian Family Laws, as per the Family Law Amendment (Family Violence) Bill 2010. Oh and surprise, surprise, this is all for the ‘Best Interest of the Children’ of cause.  

The general public, who still thinks it can’t happen to them, will eventually be horrified to learn how their fellow citizens are being treated with absolute contempt and fleeced of everything dear to them, by a multi-billion dollar government sponsored divorce industry, which is driven by fanatical ideologues who hold our legislators to ransom with hysterical hyperbole about the level of Domestic Violence in the community.   

Unfortunately, to their own peril, it is not until families face the somber prospect of being permanently separated from each other, that they belatedly start to look around at what they face. In most cases however, by then it is far too late, and the outcome for the vast majority is soul destroying.   

First up we speak with Greg Andresen, who is researcher and media liaison with Men’s Health Australia - Australia’s primary source of information about the psychological and social wellbeing of men and boys. He is also senior researcher with the One in Three Campaign. The One in Three Campaign aims to raise public awareness of the existence and needs of male victims of family violence and abuse; to work with government and non-government services alike to provide assistance to male victims; and to reduce the incidence and impacts of family violence on Australian men, women and children.  

Greg worked on submissions from both Men’s Health Australia and One in Three to the recent Family Law Amendment (Family Violence) Bill 2010. He is with us today to talk of his concerns about the proposed bill from both a men’s health and a family violence perspective.  

Next we speak to Dr. Colin Jory, secondary school teacher, historian and Shakespeare scholar, who recently wrote in News Weekly (Letters, October 30) “that if the pro-family political parties want to make huge gains in their vote, all they need do is make a sustained assault on the Family Law Act, the Family Law Court and the domestic violence industry”.  

He further stated “that of all the factors which harm the Australian family and do draconian injustice to individual Australians, nothing remotely compares with these in scope or severity”.  

“Now the Gillard Labor Government has revealed its intention to amend the Family Law Act to make it even more draconian and unjust. In 2006, the Howard Coalition Government amended the act to require judges to approach custody cases with the “rebuttable presumption” that both parents are equally important in a child’s upbringing. The presumption is rebuttable in the sense that if there is compelling evidence that one of the parents is likely to harm the child, access should be limited in proportion to the risk”.   

We close the show with the ever vigilant Sue Price, Co-Founder and Director Men’s Rights Agency. The Men’s Rights Agency also reluctantly responded to the proposed Family Law Amendments, as their experience has shown it is a complete waste of time, due to the outcome generally already having been pre-determined. Accordingly in their submission she writes the following:  

“We are responding to your suggested amendments to the family law act under extreme protest. In fact, we would prefer to boycott the whole process because our community well understands the uselessness of responding to government inquiries, when there is a strong suspicion the government has already predetermined the outcome. However, we are placed in the position of having to respond or be accused of failing to do so when the limited opportunity was provided.  

While there is a need to protect women and children from abuse there is also a need to recognise men and children need protection from women who are abusive and violent.  

There is also a need to recognise the 2006 changes were initiated because too many children were being denied an opportunity to develop a relationship with their father.”  

We again extend an invitation to any Federal Parliamentarian who would like to join us on air, in order to defend the proposed Family Law Amendments. The community would dearly like to hear from their elected representatives in order to find out the truth about such an important issue, which ultimately will adversely affect so many of their fellow Australians.  

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She-Wolves and Parental Alienation

With special guests:

  • Elizabeth Willmott Harrop and
  • Professor William Bernet M.D.

As the year draws to a close, we wish we could draw a line under the demise of fathers and their children, but there is no end in sight to the level of ignorance that prevails in our community, about the destructive practices of the divorce industry. Not until they face the somber prospect of being permanently separated from their children, do parents start to look around at what they face. In most cases it is far to late, and the outcome for the vast majority is soul destroying.   
She may not be the first, nor will she be the last, to speak out in abhorrence at the level of accepted community bigotry. However on the subject of female child abusers, nobody does it better than Elizabeth Willmott Harrop, “She-Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing”. Elizabeth resides in New Zealand, is a freelance writer, and has a Masters Degree in Human Rights and Social Change.

If anyone should be in doubt about the true state of who is actually involved with the abuse of children in our communities, they should listen to this weeks’ excellent interview with Elizabeth. As a well informed social commentator from New Zealand, she has carefully researched the subject, and articulates her findings with a passion, reserved for those stung by a horrible truth.

Elizabeth details her research, which includes statistics from the USA , Australia and the UK, as well as that of her native New Zealand, and the global findings are frighteningly similar.

What is most distressing is the level of Government unwillingness to recognize the findings of a plethora of studies, which reveal that female child abusers not only exist, but in actual number, almost equals the number of male abusers.

Unbelievably, despite the wealth of credible information available, elected representatives in the western democracies, persist in turning a blind eye to the truth about this issue, resulting in the drafting of hopelessly ineffective child protection legislation, which continues to be founded on a distorted perception of reality.  

Our second guest is Professor William Bernet M.D, who is Professor of Psychiatry at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, USA.  Dr. Bernet has been a member of the faculty since 1992, and is the director of Vanderbilt Forensic Services, the program that applies psychiatric expertise to legal situations.  Professor Bernet’s research provides valuable insight into the Parental Alienation Syndrome, and his work and efforts for better recognition of this phenomenon is to be applauded.   

The many parents and children who have had this unwanted abuse inflicted upon them, are well advised to listen to the interviews with these highly respected experts, and perhaps find some understanding and solace, for their undoubted emotional torment at having been forcibly separated from those they love most.

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Fatherless Day 2010

With special guests:

  • Barry Williams

  • Stephen S Holden and

  • Warwick Marsh.

Despite all the evidence available in the form of a multitude of credible research and statistics, which clearly shows the immense damage being done to the bonds of family kinship in our Australian communities, the unrelenting push for a fatherless society continues.

The fact that this mountain of evidence continues to be ignored, is a sad reflection on the way our parliamentary system of government has been hijacked, by the anti-male zealots within the political parties and the bureaucracy.
Hundreds of thousands of Dads will not see their children this Fathers Day 2010, yet this did not even rate one mention during the recent federal election.  It is no wonder the wider community has turned their back on the main parties, who have ignored the many concerns of their constituents for far too long.
Speaking about some of these concerns, Barry Williams, President of the Lone Fathers Association Australia, describes the current Family laws as being in breach of anti discrimination legislation. He plans to take 4 points of discrimination to the Sex Discrimination Commissioner Elizabeth Broderick.
We also speak with separated father Stephen S Holden author of The Other Glass Ceiling, who details some of the anti-father legislation and how easily it can destroy a fathers’ relationship with his children.

We end the show with Warwick Marsh, of Dads4Kids, who speaks about the importance of dads in a child’s life, and the celebration of fatherhood this special weekend on Fathers Day.

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Equal Parental Involvement

With special guests:

  • Professor Thea Brown and

  • John Stapleton.

This week we have an interesting interview with Professor Thea Brown, from Monash University, who speaks about her paper “Shared parenting and parental involvement in children’s schooling following separation and divorce”.

Professor Brown was appointed as Professor of Social Work in 1988, serving as Head of the Department, the Director of International Programs and Deputy Head and is now Professor, Research.  Her most recent research focus has been on separating parents and their children, on family violence and parental separation and divorce and on services supporting separating parents.
Professor Brown, speaks about the important need for Governments to act, in order to ensure that non-custodial parents continue to be involved with their childrens’ progress, especially in the area of their education. She points out the unacceptable policy differences in this area, which vary from State to State and from school to school.
We also spoke briefly with John Stapleton, who is in Thailand at present. Unfortunately the phone connection was not very good, and eventually dropped out. We hope to speak with John again in the near future. 

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