Dads Group Inc

With special guest:
Tom Docking
… in conversation with Glen Poole
Most Dads can remember vividly the time they were told that they were going to be a father for the first time. There may be a sense of starting on a journey, that life as it has been up until that point has changed forever or even that this is a type of eternity because part of you goes on long after your passing.
Our guest today, Tom Docking from Dad’s Group Inc, was overwhelmed by a different feeling. He felt he could not cope with this new responsibility and had to spend some time alone. When he realised that he needed some support there was an unpleasant discovery, no help was available.
So after coming to terms with his own crisis Tom took matters into his own hands and started a support group for new Dads. As well as being a successful Dad himself Tom has since then helped many other Dads adjust to their new status. Tom formed a not-for-profit organisation that works with local Councils and health providers to offer assistance and feedback. Dad’s Group Inc is looking to spread nationwide so that all Australian Dads can benefit.
And Tom never forgets that there should be some fun in their activities. So look for BBQs and the well-known Man with a Pram activities. Registration details are available on the Dads Group Inc website.
We salute people like Tom who see a need and then with the best community spirit take on the job of doing something about filling that need.
Tom Docking
Tom Docking is the founder of Dad’s Group Inc a not-for-profit community organisation committed to connecting new Dads, thereby improving men’s health, preventing family violence and reducing isolation and suicide. Dads Group Inc partners with sponsors, councils and community leaders to support individual Dads Groups through events that allow new fathers to take their children and meet with other new fathers in their area. These events typically take the shape of BBQs and local café meet-ups, as a means of providing Fathers with a space to spend time with their children while gaining social support through the vehicle of sharing experiences.
Song selections by our guest: Wild World by Cat Stevens & Ain’t No Mountain High Enough by Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell
Note: This program is an encore presentation of the one aired on 17 January 2019.