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Divorce Poison

With special guest:

  • Dr. Richard Warshak.

An emotive subject that affects so many separated non-custodial parents and their victim children, is the issue of Parental Alienation. The existence of PA is still denied by a number of skeptics, who belong to the same group of the ignorant amongst us, who still insist the world is flat, or deny the holocaust took place.

But thankfully most thinking and informed people, are well aware of the dangerous existence of the human ability, to indoctrinate those who are in our control and powerless to escape our absolute power and control over them. It happens in many other settings as well, but is very prevalent in the area of parental separation, where it has been given the name Parental Alienation Syndrome.

Our guest this week is Dr. Richard Warshak, who is an American expert on the subject, and who’s book Divorce Poison, is an excellent resource for all those dealing with this frightening and very damaging phenomenon.

Dr. Richard Warshak is convinced that a passive approach just leaves parents feeling helpless. And the damage to children is considerable, particularly when warring parents enlist children as allies in the battle.

The problems range from tainted parent-child relationships, in which children are disrespectful or reluctant to show their affection, to a disturbance in which children virtually disown one of their parents and all the relatives on that side of the family. He warns  “If you handle the situation ineffectively, you could lose your children’s respect, their affections—even, in extreme cases, lose contact with them”.

Dr Warshak also speaks about his new DVD ‘Welcome Back Pluto’, which helps children cope with their family problems.

This professionally-produced DVD is designed to help children and teenagers see family problems from another perspective and avoid taking sides with one parent against the other. The program helps children empathize with the suffering of rejected parents and understand their favored parent’s perspective, and motivates children to restore positive relationships.

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