Mothering Our Boys

With special guest:
Maggie Dent
… in conversation with Bill Kable
It is ten years since we last spoke to Maggie Dent and in that time the pressure on our boys has only got worse.
Now more than ever we need a consistent voice, a sensible voice backed by extensive research, in fact a boy champion. Fortunately this is recognised in the huge reaction given to Maggie’s new book Mothering Our Boys: A guide for mums of sons and in public forums that Maggie delivers around the nation. It is a privilege for us to be able to share Maggie’s thoughts in this special program.
Here is a question Maggie asked some 1600 men in a survey. What would you say is one of the best things your mum has done for you/that has influenced you? There was a second question, in your life what is the one thing you wish your mum hadn’t done? Why not ask yourself those questions, it may be the first time you have thought about it. Maggie takes us into the responses she received and tells us what it means.
Have you ever encountered a tough little boy? And then been surprised when he lets his guard down and you find he is not so tough after all. Maggie tells us that boys are not tough, especially the little ones. In fact they need to be protected from lots of things. Those things are described in Maggie’s five key secrets that every mum needs to know.
Maggie does not claim to be a perfect mum and is quite open about where she got it wrong in raising her own boys. But clearly Maggie got a lot right judging by the success she feels about the development of her four boys. If we listen to her tips we can reduce our own angst in dealing with boys as well as helping them along the path.
We can start by removing from our dialogue common phrases such as “man up”, “be a man”, and particularly “what’s wrong with you?” These can inflict damage and lead to long-term harm to the boy’s confidence and relationships. On the other side of the coin if we have high expectations for our boys this has a very positive effect on young men.
This book and our discussion in the program is guaranteed to have an emotional impact and lead to a better understanding of what is important in life. For mums, dads, uncles, aunties, mentors and friends of our young men Maggie presents so eloquently and warmly a new way to get our boys on track and keep them there so that they will lead fulfilling lives that benefit the community as well as themselves.
Maggie Dent
Commonly known as the “queen of common sense”, Maggie Dent has become one of Australia’s favourite parenting authors and educators, with a particular interest in the early years, adolescence and resilience.
Maggie’s experience includes teaching, counselling, and working in palliative care/funeral services and suicide prevention. Maggie is an advocate for the healthy, common-sense raising of children in order to strengthen families and communities. She is a passionate, positive voice for children of all ages.
Now an in-demand writer and speaker, Maggie is a regular contributor to Fairfax’s Essential Kids website and she can often be heard on commercial and ABC radio around the country including Nova 937. She also appears on national TV programs.
Maggie is the author of ten books, several e-books and a prolific creator of resources for parents, adolescents, teachers, educators and others who are interested in quietly improving their lives.
Maggie is the proud mother of four sons, and an enthusiastic and grateful grandmother. She lives in the Illawarra region of NSW with her good bloke Steve Mountain and their dear little dog, Mr Hugo Walter Dent.
Song selection by our guest: Shepherd Moons by Enya
Note: This program is an encore presentation of the one aired on 31 January 2019.